How are the 11+ Maths Exams marked?


The marking process for the 11+ maths paper typically follows these steps:

Mark Allocation: Each question is assigned a set number of marks, usually reflecting its difficulty level.

Consideration of Workings: Some exam boards or schools award marks for demonstrating the problem-solving process, even if the final answer is incorrect.

Raw Score Calculation: The examiner tallies up the marks earned by the student across all questions to determine their raw score, including any marks awarded for workings.

Standardisation: Many exam boards employ a standardisation process to generate a 'standardised age score', accounting for the student's age in relation to their peers. This ensures fairness across different age groups.

Interpretation: The standardised age score enables a fair comparison of the student's performance relative to others of the same age and is used to give a fair final mark.

Overall, the marking process for the 11+ maths paper aims to fairly assess the student's mathematical abilities, considering both correctness and problem-solving approach. The Northern Ireland Transfer Test (SEAG) will probably be marked in a similar way.

In some cases, particularly for very competitive schools, the marking process may involve additional steps or variations depending on the specific exam board or institution administering the test. However, the steps outlined above are generally representative of the process used for marking 11+ maths papers.