What is the syllabus for 11+ Verbal Reasoning Exams?


The 11+ Verbal Reasoning Syllabus

typically covers versions of the 21 most commonly used Verbal Reasoning questions but there may be at least 35 – 40 (or more!) different versions of these 21 question types.

Verbal reasoning is a crucial part of the 11+ entrance exams, testing your child's understanding, logical thinking, and analytical ability.  Here we provide a comprehensive list of questions commonly covered in 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning. 

This site will help you teach your child  how to answer 11 plus Verbal Reasoning questions. Verbal Reasoning questions  will be used by almost all Local Authorities, grammar schools and private schools as part of their exam. However, not all schools teach Verbal Reasoning but with structured practice and by learning the correct techniques, a child’s ability in Verbal Reasoning will improve. Whether your child is sitting a multiple-choice paper or a standard format 11+ Verbal Reasoning exam - practice and adequate preparation will always help.

Verbal Reasoning papers are mostly language based but may also include a number of mathematics-based questions.

To help your child why not try:

•   Encouraging your child to read widely so they are exposed to a wide variety of words and their meanings.

•   Games such as Scrabble are ideal for developing a child’s vocabulary.

Your child will have been taught about:

•   anagrams,

•   synonyms and antonyms,

•   homophones 

•   and other aspects of English in school

These are all very relevant to their 11+ but they need to be able to apply this knowledge quickly when working out the answer to a Verbal Reasoning question.


There are a number of different ways to complete an 11 plus Verbal Reasoning question but our experienced authors have created  “Tips and techniques” pages for the most common 21 question types.As part of your subscription you can download these important “Tips and techniques” for free.

The 21 most commonly used Verbal Reasoning question types.

Type 1 Add a letter to make four new words. READ MORE

Type 2 2 words that do not go with the other 3. (Related words.) READ MORE

Type 3 Codes using letters. READ MORE

Type 4 Two words with a similar meaning. (Synonyms) READ MORE

Type 5 Find a 4-letter word hidden in a sentence. READ MORE

Type 6 Find a 3-letter word missing from a larger word. READ MORE

Type 7 Sums using letters as numbers. READ MORE

Type 8 Move a letter to make 2 new words. READ MORE

Type 9 Find the next letter in this series. READ MORE

Type 10 Goat is to Kid as Horse is to Foal – Word connections. READ MORE

Type 11 Number series. READ MORE

Type 12 Compound words. READ MORE

Type 13 Create the middle word from outside words. READ MORE

Type 14 Letter connections AB is to CD as EF is to GH. READ MORE

Type 15 Reading information to make logical deductions. READ MORE

Type 16 Two words with opposite meaning. (Antonyms) READ MORE

Type 17 Maths equations (Complete the sum.) READ MORE

Type 18 Calculate the middle number from outside numbers. (Related numbers.) READ MORE

Type 19 Codes using numbers as letters in words. READ MORE

Type 20 Second word made from first word. READ MORE

Type 21 Words with 2 meanings. READ MORE

This information about the 11plus exam is provided by www.onlineelevenplusexams.co.uk and is protected by copyright. It must not be copied for use by schools or private tutors. www.onlineelevenplusexams.co.uk provides this information in good faith and accepts no liability whatsoever for the accuracy of the content or how a user relies on the contents for their personal use or for any other use.